To the north

I already told you that I didn’t find the way to continue my path to the south, so I decided to go to the north; another point was that about two years ago, when I was traveling in Zimbawe, I met a super positive guy from Norway… all those things were enough to made me take that way. At the airport I started to meet the first good persons: a nice woman of the airlines, that gave me a very nice welcome to Norway and the bus driver, that was so helpful during the way to Oslo, he treated me as a nephew.

On the bus I also met Matt, he was going to search a place in Oslo as well, so we went together around the city and after a while we found a hostel available.

The day after I finally met Arne, he came to pick me up at the hostel and we went for a lunch together, also with a great traveler from Korea, Suni, that Arne met during his travels.

I was so happy to see you again dude, you showed me the same amazing good energy, you are great!

Unfortunately I couldn’t walk around the city out of necessary, because my poor knee; I just spent some funny moments at the hostel with Matt, I went to a doctor to take care of my health and I felt in love with her… damn! Those sexy Norwegian women!!

Anyway, I went one last time to eat with Arne and Suni, it was suppose to be the best pizza of Oslo… I’m waiting for you in Italy, my friend, you must try the real one!

The last morning I had the only unhappy experience about Norway, a guy of the reception was absolutely unhelpful when I asked how to find a breakfast place, answering me in a very rude way.

But you know, from manure flowers can grow up, so by that situation a friendly person came, Jorgen, he proposed me to go with him to find what I needed and I found a new good friend.

We spent the last hours together, before I caught my bus heading to new horizons.

You have a big heart my friend, I’m so glad I met you.


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